Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tropical Storm Isaias

Nature is a wondrous thing.   The winds and rain brought with them a tropical sort of feel.   Gideon said that it smelled like Pennsic.  It was a warm, moist smell with all the greens mingled within.  The wind blowing around made me feel like a kid again for a moment.   Then I got down to business and tried to protect my plants and other things in the yard. 
The house is powerless and dark as I write this with the soft glow on my phone.   The breeze has lessened to just a rustle with occasional gusts.  There is the sound of cars going by and the rumble of the generator across the street at the ice cream shop. 

That feeling,  like a kid again,  as the wind began to blow and rain to fall is my happy for today.

I think this is a bean plant. 
There is corn starting too, but I didn't get a picture. 

K with the storm coming.

I thnk those trees always lean a little...

Stay Safe.

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