Sunday, August 2, 2020


The last few nights I haven't been sleeping well.  This is the second morning in a row I awoke before six in the morning without an alarm.  This put me into the garden by seven.  By nine, I had had enough of the bugs that were after me, despite the bug spray, and cleaned up the garden things.  Earlier this week I was discouraged that I might never be able to care for the entire garden.  Today I was more in the frame of mind that had I not gone away for three weeks it'd be fine and it could be again soon.  That said, things are dying.  I should have fertilized.  I'm not sure what the soil needs, at least some of the soil testing places are closed because of the pandemic.  I looked a little for some all around organic fertilizers but haven't found one yet.  So many things to learn!  Tonight, I put soap along the fence to deter the deer, mice and rabbits.

C and E left for E's family's place today.  They are missed.  I feel like we had a fairly productive day after they left.  Some boxes were unpacked and sorted.  Perhaps most important, goals were set to get things unpacked and more organized.  One of the boxes I went through had been packed many, many moves ago.  I found unfinished projects and a play tent from when K was maybe six.  I put the tent together.  It took me way too long.  It is still assembled in the craft/office room.  It will be donated to someone who wants it or Goodwill.  But for now, it is set up.  Getting that tent set up is my happy.  It was a puzzle without the directions that when I figured it out there was such a sense of accomplishment.



Bindweed closeup.


The tent.

Wash your hands.

1 comment:

Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...