This morning there was less time in the garden. Yesterday's sunburn let me know when it was time to go inside. Some of the cucumbers and zucchini got planted. I'm letting the other plants get a little larger before I plant them. More weeding and watering happened. The garden area is very large. Most of it isn't planted. Being away definitely was not good for many of the plants. This being my first year was also not very good for the plants. I've been learning a lot and mostly enjoying it so I think that means I'll keep gardening.
During the day E recorded a Zoom performance with a Commedia 'dell Arte Troupe. Tonight Gideon, E, and I watched it. Then E and I talked commedia for a while before turning in for the night. Tomorrow C and E are leaving for E's family's place and working for them for a few weeks or so. Spending time with them today is my happy.
The three pictures are of the large bird I saw today. We think we identified it as a broad-winged hawk.
Keep your distance.
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