Friday, September 11, 2020

First Day of School with All the Kids

 The room I am in at school was supposed to have fifteen students.  It seems that it will only be twelve.  The room still seems a little crowded.  I think that is mostly because of my feelings surrounding the pandemic.  Going from mostly immediate family to a school full of people can be overwhelming.  I can't do my job well from three feet away, nevermind six.  Today's seventh graders were not yet alive on this day, September 11th, in 2001.  It is history to them.  Instead of an assembly, we had a moment of silence.  Someday, this pandemic will be history too.

Yesterday K bought me some Super Llama socks.  I got to show them off to the students today.  They didn't seem impressed.  

Happy things for today:
  • Occasionally remembering that I was wearing the Super Llama socks.
  • After work and a shower I went for a walk.  The weather was perfect. Had I been sitting, a light sweater would have been nice.  This made it perfect weather for walking.  The faint beginnings of the fresh smell of autumn floated on the light breeze.  Just a few leaves here and there are starting to turn color.
  • I walked up the street to the swamp and stopped and took pictures of the lily pads and such.  I turned to go, crossed the street for the walk home and a blue heron flew up and away into the brush beyond the swamp on that side of the street.  I had already put away my phone.  
  • As usual, there were turkeys in the back property.  There was one that I saw from a distance that was standing on a stump soaking in the late afternoon sun.  Very regal looking, for a turkey.
  • There is a spider web, that the pictures don't quite do justice to, that has managed to gather the seeds floating from the wild lettuce.  
  • I have been having weird covid stress dreams.  One last night had me running from place to place and forgetting things that resulted in my being late for work.  At some point though I was with coworkers and I made some sarcastic remark that I can't remember.  Whatever it was set me to laughing hysterically in the dream.  I awoke not sure why I was laughing, but the stress aspect of the dream had subsided.
  • For the comment, on yesterday's blog. from cousin K that confirmed my thoughts about my daughter K reminding me of my mother, thank you.  And in response- nothing in my uncle's file under sweet everlasting.  I too read about the possible maple syrup smell but couldn't bring myself to try that with just one plant.  Now that I have found others, I will.  :)

Sun lowering towards the horizon over wild lettuce.


The web covered in wild lettuce seed.


Sun setting.

Sun setting.

Keep your distance.

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