Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 12th.

 Sleeping in on Saturday is a lovely thing.  I was still up early enough to go for a walk before the dew dried from the plants.  My intention was to see if the spider web from yesterday in combination with dew and the sun might make a nice sparkly picture.  This spider had packed up their web though.  There was however, in a few places, a light ground covering of wild lettuce seed that gave the appearance of flurries resting on the ground.  This morning's walk is one of my happy things for today, here are some others:

  • I cleaned out some weeds and uncovered some of the strawberry plants that were already on the property.  More of the bittersweet is gone.
  • There are movies coming out that I am curious about and want to see-not in a theater.  They are I am Woman and Dune.  
  • K told me that she had a trailer she wanted me to look at.  Boy, was I surprised when instead of having wheels it was for those movies!  🤣
  • Hearing from C and E and they are thinking of getting a dog that will return here with them.
  • Also that they are still planning to return around the end of the month.
  • Getting to spend a great deal of time outside.  It was around 48 degrees when I went for the walk, but it was just over 70 when I was outside mowing and weeding.  Perfect.

The white fuzzy blob that is not the seeds on the plant are the web full of seeds
 that had left (tried to leave?) the plant.

More seed fuzz, reminds me of snow.

Today my dad would have been 87 year's old.
This picture is for him.

Stay safe.

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