Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday the Thirteenth

 There was no walk today.  Instead I got my steps by shopping and mowing the lawn.  I went to five different stores and didn't find any rubbing alcohol.  Okay, three stores, I didn't expect Lowes or Harbor Freight to carry it. It is one of the things that I knew would be hard to find.  There is plenty of hand sanitizer in the stores though.  That is where all the alcohol is most likely going.  

Here is my list of things that made me happy today.

  • This morning I was anxious because I had so many things to do on my list.  K looks at me and says, "Is rest on your list?"  "No," says I.  "Well it should be," responds K.  I laughed.  This small exchange of words is what I needed to relax and not feel anxious about my list.
  • Z's sister got married today.  I didn't go because I needed to not be around people because of the pandemic and working.  They brought me home a piece of cinnamon cake, it is really good.
  • Although neither fit me the way I want them to, I made two masks today and this is a good thing.
  • K and I bruised up some rabbit tobacco today and it does indeed smell sweet and a little like maple.
  • Having that piece of cake and I still seem to have come in under the Fitbit estimated calorie count today.  Yes, I had three meals, too.
  • Today marks six years since C and I hiked up Mount Washington.  They brought up the memory on Facebook with all the pictures.  It was such an awesome trip.  We started up to the Lake in the Clouds Hut on Friday.  Not only was the sunset spectacular (it set between two layers of clouds), we got to see the northern lights.  On the thirteenth, we made it to the summit where there were lenticular clouds.  It was a tough climb, I wasn't in the best of shape.  It was worth it though.  
  • At some point this evening I started getting massages from a group chat I am on.  They shared a link to a live reading of The Princess Bride done by most of the original cast.  I'm not sure if it will be replayed, but it was good.  It was done as a fund raiser.  There were some technical difficulties, but those actors are great.

I took this picture when I realized I had none for the blog yet.
I hadn't noticed, at the time, that it looks like there is a big circle over the house.

Stay safe.


  1. Circle over the house, blessing portal! ๐Ÿ˜‡

  2. Circle over the house, blessing portal! ๐Ÿ˜‡

  3. Thanks for reporting back on the rabbit tobacco! ๐Ÿ˜


Closing Out 2020.

  It has been a long year.  Z got a new job (remote); Birka; I went to Texas for February vacation and spent time with C, E and Four (Big Be...