This last weekend the clocks fell back as we went back to standard time. Leaving for work the sun had just risen and some of the clouds were dusted with pink. During the day there were a few snow squalls with no accumulation but lots of wind. The power flickered a bit at work. After work it was still very windy when I went for a walk with a friend. Thankfully I brought enough to wear to help me stay more warm than cold. With the time change we walked a bit less than we have the last few weeks. It was dusk by the time we finished our walk and dark when I arrived home. My body doesn't like when the clocks change from Standard to Daylight Savings Time. Happy things for today are:
- Walking and talking with a friend.
- For work, the meeting about last week's observation was today. Everything was good there.
- The walk took us over another old railway bridge.
- My dinner plan was a success. Well, it wasn't awesome, but was still very good. I made a lentil soup that I had planned to do in the crock pot before leaving for work. That didn't happen so I made it in the pressure cooker instead. It burned to the bottom of the pan a little. With K's help we were able to save the rest of the soup and there was no burnt flavor. Everyone was fed, seemed to like it, and the pressure cooker seems to have come clean. All these things made dinner a success.
- I did a little more writing. Some every day is the goal.
This morning's pink sky to start the day. |
Old Rail Bridge
Bridge and the river it crosses
A little pink in the sky to close out the day. |
Stay safe.
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