We are still keeping the cats separated, so Nanni stays in my room at night. We took the Christmas tree down today, so that may change soon. Nanni seems to be more trustworthy than Winston. This means one of the first things I get to do in the morning is play with Nanni. She was really good this morning and played with her toys without me for a while. She has been getting up on the table when we aren't looking. When the sun was coming in the window onto the dining room table this morning the dust that had fallen over night was very visible, and so were the cat prints. Here are things that were happy for me today:
- TF and I had our accountability call tonight and I got more done than I thought I did last week.
- I got to see my protege' at the grocery store today where she works.
- Much of the snow has melted and made its way to the rivers. I was pleased to noticed that the ground seems to have held on to some of the moisture too. Snow melt helps to reduce the chances of dought, but when it melts off when the ground is frozen, most of it ends up in the oceans and not the groundwater. I'm not an expert, but the ground seemed to be trying to absorb some today and that is a good thing.
- There were probably dog footprints in the snow when I took a walk on the property today. Probably dog, but I will keep hoping for fox.
- We started a 1000 piece puzzle tonight. We didn't get very far, but puzzles are fun.
Nanni. |
Kitty footprints. |
Nanni playing. |
Footprint in the snow. |
Gideon taking down the star. |
Keep your distance.
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