Another day at the farm weeding and digging dirt. I did some mowing in the front of the house and may have identified some of the flowers there. Time will tell when the buds open what will be revealed.
Right now I am exhausted. I couldn't get to sleep last night and so my eyes don't want to stay open. With that said, it is time to tell what made me happy today.
It was dark when I went to turn the water off for the sprinkler tonight. There were lightning bugs in the back yard. Just a few. A few is all it takes for me to decide that I don't want the back yard's grass mowed. There will be paths. Or maybe just not mowed as often. We'll see.
The other happy for today is dinner. We have been rotating through the adults to make dinner. We had six adults and one night of left overs. With Four gone, we are short one night of the week. Gideon is now taking his turn making dinner. Today he made chili in the crock pot and some corn bread to go with it. He did a great job. He learned to use a knife to cut some peppers and onions. He even chose to adapt the recipe a little. I'm very impressed with my eight year old grandson's attitude and determination to get this done today, as much on his own as possible. Dinner was yummy.
Chop, chop! |
Bird prints. |
Dinner! |
Story: This can crusher belonged to my dad. Today K and C cleaned it up, spray painted it, and attached it to the table. They plan to sit out in the shed with a cold can of something to drink and watch the people pass by. |
The cans will be properly crushed and recycled when done.
My dad would do this with a can of beer sitting just inside the cool cellar.
Folks in the neighborhood who knew him would stop by and say hi, maybe sit for a while.
Stay safe.